As simple as taking care of your mouth sounds, life can get in the way of maintaining a consistent oral care regimen. That's why we've created customized oral care routines to help you stick to the habit.

dental occlusion mold

More Than Teeth Cleaning

A proper teeth cleaning routine includes brushing your teeth, flossing, and rinsing with a LISTERINE® mouthwash.

pouring two tablespoons of Listerine Antiseptic mouthwash into a cup

Listerine® Nighttime Routine

Learn how you can add LISTERINE® Antiseptic Rinse to your night time routine.

man smiling with braces

Oral Care Routine for Braces

Find out how adding LISTERINE® antiseptic to your routine can help clean those hard to reach spots.

Image that states gingivitis is one of the common problems associated with diabetes, Listerine can help

Diabetes and Gum Disease: Causes and Prevention Tips

Understand the link between diabetes & periodontal (gum) disease. Learn to prevent gum disease with tips on managing oral health & diabetes.